Get Ready For Winter With Crest Pharmacy

Get Ready For Winter With Crest Pharmacy

Cold weather is on the way and with it comes all the colds and sniffles that make an appearance at this time of year, fortunately your local Crest Pharmacy is here to help keep you and your family well!

Whether you need advice on managing illnesses, flu or covid vaccinations a visit to your local Crest Pharmacy could save you time and effort, avoiding the need to see your GP!

We’re Here For Health Advice & Support

Did you know that our pharmacists are trained to offer medical advice on a wide range of minor illnesses?

From colds and coughs to sore throats and stomach troubles, they can guide you on the best treatments and even recommend remedies to get you feeling well in no time.

Our pharmacies are part of the Pharmacy First scheme, which is designed to help you get advice and treatment for minor ailments quickly. This means you can skip the hassle of booking a GP appointment for issues like UTIs, sore throats and ear aches.

You can book your appointment online and be seen, often on the same day, and get medicines to help you feel better fast.

Our pharmacies are often open longer hours than GP surgeries, making them a more convenient option for many people. Our pharmacies in Birmingham, Kidderminster, Tamworth, and Coventry, offer late hours, sometimes until 9pm so you can get medicines and advice when you need it.

Book Your Flu and COVID Vaccines

One of the easiest ways to stay healthy this winter is by ensuring that you’re up to date with your vaccinations. Both flu and COVID-19 can cause serious health problems, especially in older adults, young children, or those with weakened immune systems. Fortunately, getting your flu jab or COVID booster is as easy as popping into your local Crest Pharmacy.

It’s quick, easy, and convenient, and it’s one of the most effective ways to protect yourself and others from these potentially severe illnesses. If you have any questions about the vaccines you can also call us and our pharmacists will be happy to help.

If you’re in an at-risk group, such as those over 65 or with pre-existing health conditions, it’s particularly important to get vaccinated. However, even if you’re young and healthy, it’s still worth considering, as vaccinations help reduce the spread of the virus within the community.

Travel Vaccinations: Be Prepared if You’re Going Abroad

Beyond the seasonal COVID and flu vaccines, If you’re planning to escape the winter weather and head abroad, you’ll need to make sure you’re up to date with any travel vaccinations. While many people think of visiting their GP for these, your local Crest Pharmacy can also offer travel vaccination services.

Depending on where you’re going, you may need protection against illnesses like hepatitis, typhoid, or yellow fever. Crest Pharmacies in Birmingham, Tamworth, Coventry, and Kidderminster can provide these vaccinations, often with little waiting time.

You can see all of the vaccinations available here and view our price list online. If you’re not sure which vaccines you need for your travel our pharmacy teams will be happy to advise you.

Crest Pharmacy Is Here For You

When it comes to getting health advice or services, it’s easy to overlook your pharmacy in favour of a GP visit. However, we’re trained healthcare professionals who can provide advice, recommend treatments, and help you stay well this season.

If you’d like more information about any of our in store services or to find your nearest Crest Pharmacy, you can find all of this information here or call us on 0121 728 2278 to find out more.

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