Japanese Encephalitis – Why You Should Get the Vaccine in Coventry

Japanese Encephalitis – Why You Should Get the Vaccine in Coventry

Japanese encephalitis is a dangerous viral infection that has mostly been reported in rural parts of some Asian countries. Even though it rarely affects travellers these days, this infection is deadly and can lead to a brain infection (encephalitis). Japanese encephalitis can lead to death or cause a permanent neurological disability. Most cases of brain infections in Asia result from Japanese encephalitis. Keep reading to find out more on how to get your Japanese encephalitis vaccine in Coventry.

Japanese encephalitis vaccine Coventry

How Does Japanese Encephalitis Spread?

Japanese encephalitis can only move from one person to the other through a mosquito bite. For this reason, it becomes important for travellers to take further steps to protect themselves from mosquito bites, apart from being vaccinated. However, this infection cannot pass directly from one individual to the other.

Symptoms & how to get your Japanese encephalitis vaccine in Coventry

Everyone has a different experience when it comes to Japanese encephalitis symptoms. While some people may show no signs when infected, others report mild symptoms. However, severe symptoms have been reported in rare cases of the infection, and they include:

– Neck stiffness
– Fever
– Coma
– Death

Where to get the Japanese encephalitis vaccine in Coventry

The Japanese Encephalitis vaccine is given in two doses, within a period of 28 days. To be able to travel, it’s necessary that you get the second dose at least one week before the date of departure. Everyone can get the Japanese Encephalitis vaccine except children under 2 months old. However, it’s not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

The Japanese encephalitis vaccine is mostly recommended for travellers going for long trips during the rainy season or those visiting rural regions of Asian countries listed below.

– Thailand
– Vietnam
– China
– India

This list is subject to change, making it necessary to consult with your travel agent before embarking on your journey. This will enable you to know if the country you are travelling to has been added to the list.

It’s also advisable to get the Japanese encephalitis vaccine if you are going to Asia and:

– Plan to stay in areas with reported cases of JE for almost a month
– Your plans involve outdoor activities in rural areas of the listed countries
– Visit areas where there has been a recent outbreak of JE
– Don’t have a plan of your activities while there

Lab workers are at higher risk of getting the infection, meaning they should also get the vaccine. A smaller dose of the vaccine is given to children under the age of 3 years.

Japanese encephalitis vaccine Coventry

Side effects of Japanese encephalitis vaccine in Coventry

About 40% of people who receive the vaccination have reported mild side effects that disappear within a short while. The side effects are:

– Headache
– Soreness, swelling, or redness in the injected part
– Muscle pain

Serious side effects such as swelling of the face, urticarial or hives, or breathing difficulties can be experienced in certain rare cases.

What to look out for

It’s necessary that you check with your pharmacist before getting the vaccine if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or if you have a fever (high temperatures). The vaccine may have to be postponed.

Contact The Travel Health Clinic today for more information on how to get your Japanese encephalitis before travelling.

Get Your Vaccination Book An Appointment Travel Vaccine Guide


This blog post was written on behalf of The Travel Health Clinic by Pharmacy Mentor.

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