Wegovy & Mounjaro available from Crest Pharmacy

Not losing weight on Mounjaro? Here’s why!

Not losing weight on Mounjaro? Here’s why!

Started using Mounjaro or Wegovy but not seeing the results you were expecting? Everyone is different, and your weight loss journey is unique to you.

There could be many reasons the weight isn’t moving for you, but there are some common reasons why you aren’t seeing the results you were expecting while taking Mounjaro.

Your lifestyle hasn’t changed

5 Healthy Habits for Weight Loss - Crest Pharmacy

Weight loss medication works by releasing hormones into your body that can adjust the hunger queues you’re feeling, this can lead patients to eat fewer calories than they typically would. However, it is still possible to overeat on these medications and it’s important that you choose healthy foods, rich in fibre and protein to help fuel your body properly.

To really see the benefits of Mounjaro or Wegovy, it’s best to combine these medications with healthy foods and a variety of exercise. As well as cardio for heart health it’s important to build muscle mass to help keep you feeling strong and create good habits for the future so after you stop the medication the weight stays off.

You’re not being realistic

Weight loss isn’t instant, even when you take medications like Mounjaro. It’s a process that takes time to lose weight healthily so it’s important to monitor progress but be patient with yourself.

As well as taking weight measurements, take measurements of your arms, legs and stomach and waist. Tracking these numbers alongside your weight in KGs can help you see the changes happening to your body better and keep you motivated and on track.

You’re not getting enough sleep

Sleep and weight loss is something that is still being studied, but early studies suggest that there is a correlation between poor sleep and weight gain.

The main theory is that poor sleep quality may increase your levels of ghrelin and leptin — two hormones that influence your appetite levels. If you’re taking Mounjaro to reduce your appetite and then have more of these hunger influencing hormones from lack of sleep, you can see you’re not setting yourself up for success.

Plus, some studies have found that sleep-deprived people can often gravitate towards higher-calorie foods. We’ve all felt that when we have a poor nights sleep we tend to choose the sugary foods to give us energy to stay awake, and then we order a takeaway because we don’t feel like cooking at the end of the day. All of these things will slow your weight loss progress on Mounjaro.

You’re not drinking enough water

Similarly to not eating the right foods, if you aren’t staying hydrated you’re not helping yourself lose weight.

Staying hydrated can help improve your metabolism, suppress your appetite, reduce cravings and improve your digestion. If you’re really trying to lose weight, but not seeing it move it’s worth looking into how much water you’re drinking.

If you struggle to drink water why not try an app to track how much water your drink, or set reminders to drink water until it becomes a habit? If taste is the issue and you don’t love drinking water then experiment with different flavours of water? Just make sure to choose low sugar options to avoid excess calories. If you’d prefer not to drink squash you can always add fresh lemon or mint to create your own flavoured water.

You’re too stressed

Similarly to poor sleep, feeling stressed can lead to you making poor food choices that can lead to increased weight gain. When you’re stressed your body will release excess cortisol, this is the stress hormone.

Cortisol is there to manage your bodies response to stress but it can impact how your body responds to certain foods and even increase your blood pressure.

It’s important to take care of yourself and relax. This is a benefit of regular exercise as well as exercise has been shown to help reduce and keep stress levels low.

When we’re stressed we’re more likely to make bad choices and slip into unhealthy habits, all of which can undo your progress on Mounjaro.

If you’re struggling with Mounjaro or Wegovy or not seeing the results you expect, speak to a member of our pharmacy team who will be able to speak to review your dosage and advise you on if the medication is not working or if there’s something to revisit in your lifestyle. Remember, even with weight loss medication losing weight takes time and it’s important to be patient with yourself. It can take a few weeks for weight loss medication to take effect, if you have any questions about your medication please speak to our pharmacy team.

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