Why You Should Get the Meningitis Vaccine in Tamworth Before You Travel

Why You Should Get the Meningitis Vaccine in Tamworth Before You Travel

A person holding Meningitis vaccine in Tamworth

Meningitis is an infection that affects the protective membranes of the spinal cord (meninges) and brain. Anyone can be a victim of meningitis, but it’s especially common in babies, children, teenagers, and young adults. It can be a very serious complication if not given proper medical attention. Fortunately, the meningitis vaccine in Tamworth is available to offer adequate protection against the infection.

Meningitis can lead to septicaemia, which is deadly blood poisoning that can cause permanent brain and nerve damage.

Are you travelling to Saudi Arabia for Hajj and Umrah? Learn more about the vaccines you need in our previous blog post here:

Hajj and Umrah Vaccines

Symptoms of meningitis

Symptoms associated with meningitis appear suddenly, and they are:

– Fever (high temperatures)
– Being sick
– Stiffness in the neck
– A rash
– Unresponsiveness or drowsiness
– Seizures (fits)

These symptoms may develop in any order, therefore you may not experience all of them.

Which Meningitis vaccine in Tamworth can I get?

Meningitis can be a result of several different infections, hence the involvement of several vaccines. These vaccines provide certain protection against some causes of meningitis. They include:

Meningitis B vaccine

This vaccine provides protection against meningococcal group B, which is the bacteria that leads to most cases of meningitis in children in the UK.

Ordinarily, the first dose of the meningitis B vaccine is given to babies aged 8 weeks, then the second dose at 16 weeks, and finally a booster at 1 year.

6-in-1 vaccine

The 6-in-1 vaccine is also referred to as DTaP/IPV/Hib/Hep B vaccine and provides protection against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, polio, Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib), and hepatitis B.

Haemophilus influenza type B is a type of bacteria that leads to meningitis.

The 6-in-1 vaccine comes in 3 doses. The first dose is given to babies of 8 weeks old, followed by the second at 12 weeks, and lastly at 16 weeks old.

Pneumococcal vaccine

This vaccine provides protection against severe infections caused by pneumococcal bacteria, meningitis included.

Since the 1st of January 2020, newborns in the UK get the pneumococcal vaccine at 12 weeks as 2 different injections, then a booster at 1 year.

Hib/Men C vaccine

Meningitis C vaccine provides protection against meningococcal group C, a type of bacteria that can lead to meningitis. As a result, the first dose of this vaccine is given to babies at the age of 1 year.

Another dose is provided to both teenagers and first-time university students, as part of the combined meningitis ACWY vaccine.

MMR vaccine

The MMR vaccine gives protection against not only mumps and rubella but also measles. Consequently, these infections can sometimes lead to meningitis.

The first vaccine is usually provided to babies at the age of 1 year. The second dose then comes at the age of 3 years and 4 months old.

A child getting Meningitis vaccine in Tamworth

Meningitis ACWY vaccine

This vaccine provides protection against 4 kinds of bacteria, namely meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y, which can all lead to meningitis.

The meningitis ACWY vaccine is favourable for young teenagers, sixth formers, and first-time university students. It’s also the recommended vaccine if you are travelling outside the country.

You should however consult with your GP if you aren’t certain about the status of your child’s vaccinations against meningitis.

How long does the meningitis vaccine last?

The protection that comes with the meningitis vaccine should go for up to 5 to 10 years. However, you will still need to take a booster shot to keep your immunity intact.

Contact us to book your Meningitis ACWY vaccine before you travel!

Get vaccinated


This blog post was written on behalf of The Travel Health Clinic by Pharmacy Mentor.


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