Do You Need the Meningitis Vaccine in Coventry Before You Travel?
Meningitis is an infection that attacks the brain and spinal cord’s protective membranes. The condition is especially common in babies, young children, teenagers, and young adults, but any other person can get it. It can be a very severe condition without proper and timely medical care. Meningitis can result in septicaemia, a severe blood poisoning that can result in permanent nerve and brain damage. However, you can get protected with the Meningitis vaccine in Coventry.
Find out more about Hajj and Umrah vaccines, including the Meningitis vaccine, in our previous blog post here:
Symptoms of meningitis
Meningitis symptoms appear suddenly, and they include:
– Headache
– High temperatures (fever)
– Neck stiffness
– Being sick
– Unresponsiveness or drowsiness
– Rash
– Seizures (fits)
Since these symptoms may show up in any order, you may not experience all of them.
Types of Meningitis vaccine in Coventry
Currently, several vaccines are in use against meningitis because a number of different infections can lead to the condition. The vaccines offer protection against a number of meningitis causes.
These vaccines include:
Meningitis B vaccine
Just as the name suggests, the meningitis B vaccine protects against meningococcal group B, bacteria that results in numerous cases of meningitis in children across the UK.
The first dose of the vaccine is provided to 8-week-old-babies, followed by the second dose at week 16, with the final booster coming at 1 year.
6-in-1 vaccine
The other name for the 6-in-1 vaccine is the DTaP/ IPV/ Hib/ Hep B vaccine. It protects against tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria, polio, hepatitis B, and Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib), which is bacteria that causes meningitis.
The 6-in-1 vaccine is administered in 3 doses. The first dose is offered to 8-week-old-babies, followed by 12 weeks, and finally at week 16.
Pneumococcal vaccine
The pneumococcal vaccine offers protection against dangerous infections that result from pneumococcal bacteria; meningitis is one of them.
Since 1st January 2020, babies in the UK get the 2 different injections of the pneumococcal vaccine. These are at 12 weeks old, and later on a booster when they are 1 year old.
Hib/Men C vaccine
The Meningitis C vaccine gives protection against bacteria known as meningococcal group C, which is responsible for some cases of meningitis. The first dose of the vaccine is provided for 1-year-old babies.
Both teenagers and new university students get the second and final dose under the combined meningitis ACWY vaccine.

Young adults walking on the beach
MMR vaccine
The MMR vaccine offers protection against not only measles and rubella, but also mumps. These are infections that sometimes cause meningitis.
The first dose of the vaccine is offered to 1-year-old babies. The second dose comes when they are aged 3 years and 4 months.
Meningitis ACWY vaccine
The Meningitis ACWY vaccine protects against 4 types of bacteria, which are meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y. They are responsible for some cases of meningitis.
This vaccine is suitable for not only teenagers and 6th formers, but also new university students.
Get in touch with us for further details if you are not sure of your child’s meningitis vaccination status.
How long does the meningitis vaccine in Coventry last?
A Meningitis vaccine can provide you protection for up to 5 to 10 years. However, you’ll require a booster shot to maintain good immunity levels.
Book your appointment with us for your Meningitis vaccination today!
This blog post was written on behalf of The Travel Health Clinic by Pharmacy Mentor.
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